Mesocarp Fibres

Stable Bio Fuel

Product Info

Usage Power Generation
Supply 500MT/month

Product Description

Oil palm mesocarp fibre (OPMF) is the biomass residue obtained after pressing the palm fruits for palm oil extraction. About 11% of OPMF is generated from the palm fruits after the oil extraction.

Generally, OPMF consists of fruit fibre, crushed kernels and shells. Currently, OPMF is mainly utilized as fuel for steam boilers at the mills. Being a lignocellulosic material, OPMF has grabbed the attention of researchers due to its potential utilization for biocomposite production, whereby the fibre can be used to reinforce polymer materials such as thermoplastics. Natural fibre-reinforced composites have numerous advantages such as lightweight, low-cost, high toughness, and having reasonable strength and stiffness.